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Whats happening in the Kimberley?

We know that the climate crisis is here and now - and opening up new gas will be devastating to Country, Culture, our communities and our climate.

Whats at Risk?

The McGowan government promised Traditional Owners veto rights over land use, but there's no clear plan yet on how that'll work or how strong those rights will be. In the Kimberley, Traditional Owners are especially vulnerable to climate change with rising temperatures and more intense cyclones predicted. While most are against fracking, the pressure of big money offers can be tough to resist, especially in communities facing poverty. Alternatives like renewable energy, Aboriginal ranger programs, cultural tourism, and bush products are key to keeping fracking at bay. So far, only three test wells have been drilled, thanks to the region's remoteness, market challenges, and strong local opposition, including protests.

Find out more about the campaign

The Canning Basin is a geological basin in the Kimberley region covering an onshore area of 530,000 km2, has some of the largest shale gas potential in the world, and one of the largest potential sources of greenhouse gas globally. Mining corporations such as Buru Energy, Black Mountain and more are seeking to frack the Basin after the State government opened the Kimberley up to fracking in 2018. Ensuring this gas remains largely untouched in the ground is essential to avoiding the projected increase in extreme heat and many other devastating impacts of climate change. Increase in extreme temperatures would disproportionately impact remote regions such as the Kimberley; putting Country, culture and communities at severe risk. Protecting the Kimberley is absolutely critical to ensuring Australia’s carbon emissions are reduced in line with the Paris Agreement, and align with global efforts to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. At present, Australia is the largest exporter of LNG in the world and Western Australia is the biggest producer of LNG in Australia. Therefore, this campaign has the potential to become one of the most important environmental campaigns in Australia over the next 5 years.

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